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4.4 Library Path

You must specify the library path in all your project files, if you're using an IDE, and in any relevant makefiles, scripts, or files that contain path information. In addition, be sure to use the proper path if you run your compiler from the command line.

The library path for Threads.h++ is:

The following information explains this path:

Appendix A lists the mnemonics for all the compilers and operating systems that Rogue Wave certifies. SPM appends version numbers to the mnemonics for your compiler and operating system.

Section 2.5 explains buildtype information.

The lib directory contains the Threads.h++ libraries, as well as any other Rogue Wave libraries you have. Section 2.4 explains library naming conventions.

Because a Threads.h++ build creates several libraries, you need to know which library or libraries contain the classes you have used in your application.

Table 10 -- Libraries to link with your applications

If you used classes from ...Link to...
the basic Functor package
the functor library
the Functor List subpackage
the functor_list library
the Functor Map subpackage
the functor_map library
the Interthread Communication package
the itc library
the Smart Pointer package
the pointer library
the Synchronization package
the sync library
the Threading package
the thread library
the Thread-compatible Exception package
the threxcept library
the Execution Tracing package
the trace library

4.4.1 Threads.h++ 1.4 Compatible Library

For your convenience, we have created a single library called thr that contains all the functionality and is backward compatible with Threads.h++ 1.4. You should link to this library if you wish to continue to use a version 1.4 library in your application.

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