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1.3 Product Dependencies

You must use SPM to install and build a compatible Tools.h++ library before you attempt to build Tools.h++ Professional. A compatible Tools.h++ library is one that was built using the same platform and build options that will be used to compile Tools.h++ Professional.

NOTE: Be sure to build the version of Tools.h++ supplied with Tools.h++ Professional, not a separately-purchased version of Tools.h++.

If you use Rogue Wave's Standard C++ Library with Tools.h++, be sure to upgrade to the most recent version of Standard C++ Library at the same time you upgrade Tools.h++.

Additional dependencies are best discussed in terms of the three Tools.h++ Professional modules:

The extent to which your current installation satisfies the module-specific dependencies determines exactly what gets built. If all dependencies are satisfied, a build of Tools.h++ Professional creates three C++ libraries. If some of the dependencies are not satisfied, SPM creates whatever libraries it can. The Java/C++ Interoperability module in Tools.h++ Professional also includes five Java packages.

The follow sections discuss the dependencies for each of the modules.

1.3.1 Java/C++ Interoperability Module Dependencies

The Java/C++ Interoperability Module contains the jtools library, which consists of five Java packages. You do not have to build the jtools Java packages so long as you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system and the Rogue Wave root directory (<rw_root>) in your CLASSPATH variable.

The Java code provided with the Tools.h++ Professional example programs and the rwsignature class, which helps facilitate object exchange between C++ and Java, have been designed to work with JDK versions 1.1 to 1.1.8 inclusive. Tools.h++ Professional supports the Java Object Serialization mechanism implemented in these JDK versions.

NOTE: Before compiling and running any of the Java code provided with Tools.h++ Professional, you must install one of the JDK versions listed above and properly set up your CLASSPATH environment variable.

1.3.2 Networking Module Dependencies

The Networking Module consists of two sets of classes: network communication classes and thread-hot Internet classes, which result in the two libraries net and int respectively. To obtain the thread-hot Internet classes of the int library, you must use SPM to install and build a compatible Threads.h++ library, in addition to the Tools.h++ library, before you attempt to build Tools.h++ Professional. A compatible Threads.h++ library is one that was built using the same platform and build options that will be used to compile Tools.h++ Professional.

NOTE: Be sure to build the version of Threads.h++ from the same SPM CD as the Tools.h++ Professional version you are using, not an earlier version of Threads.h++.

1.3.3 CORBA Module Dependencies

To create the orb library for the CORBA module, you must have IONA's Orbix version 3.0 installed on your system.

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