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1.7 Available Documentation

This product's documentation consists of a readme file, HTML files, and printed manuals (sold separately). The Build Guide, as noted in Table 4, is available in PDF format, and can be printed through Adobe Acrobat.

1.7.1 Readme File

The toolpro.doc readme file contains important information regarding specific compilers and operating systems, solutions to common problems, and other items of interest. The installation process places a copy of this file into the <rw_root>\parts\tpr<ver><osfam>\docs directory.

You can also display the toolpro.doc file from within SPM by selecting the product in the Installed Parts folder on the Build Info tab, and clicking the right mouse button. We recommend that you read this file before building the library.

1.7.2 HTML Documentation

Rogue Wave provides complete user documentation for this product in HTML format. For single-point access to all your installed C++ product HTML documentation, point your browser to <rw_root>\htmldocs\index.html. The location of individual documents is shown in Table 4.

Table 4 -- Tools.h++ Professional HTML Documentation

Build Guide (this document)
Also available in PDF format:
User's Guide
C++ Class Reference
Java Class Reference

1.7.3 General Build Guide

Rogue Wave provides a General Build Guide, located at <rw_root>\htmldocs\genbd\index.html, which covers topics common to the builds of all Rogue Wave C++ library products and for applications that depend on those products. The topics covered include:

1.7.4 Printed Manuals

Printed versions of most user documentation can be purchased. For more information, please contact Rogue Wave sales at one of the numbers listed on your SPM CD jacket, or visit our web site:

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Contact Rogue Wave about documentation or support issues.