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12.2 Formatted I/O

Here's a code segment that shows how you can use the iostream classes for formatted output into a portal.

//1Set up an ostream object, which uses the RWPortal object portal for its sink of bytes. The RWPortalOStream makes its own copy of the portal, so you can specify a temporary object in the constructor if you like. This approach is efficient thanks to the interface-implementation design of the portal class.
//2Output objects using the stream. Since the RWPortalOStream class is derived from ostream, any objects that can be inserted into an ostream can be inserted into an RWPortalOStream.

Building a stream for input is no more difficult than building one for output:

//1Set up an istream object that uses the RWPortal object portal for its source of bytes. The RWPortalIStream also makes its own copy of the portal, allowing you to specify a temporary object to the constructor.
//2Input objects using the stream. Since the RWPortalIStream class is derived from istream, any objects that can be extracted from an istream can be extracted from an RWPortalIStream.

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