Formula Engine Reference Guide


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This function returns the corresponding date value for a given string S. It interprets the data in the following formats:

MMM-YY (assumes the first of the month)


In all formats, the year may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the current year. The year may be given as 2 or 4 digits. A two year digit assumes the 20th century. In the above formats, the month (MMM) is case insensitive and may be either the standard 3 letter abbreviation or the full name of the month.



string value of a date



DATEVALUE("3/24/1954") = 19807


DATEVALUE("3/24/54") = 19807


DATEVALUE("4-July-1994") = 34519


DATEVALUE("4-July") = 34519
where the year is omitted, and assuming the year is 1994


DATEVALUE("September-94") = 34578


DATEVALUE("Sep-1994") = 34578


DATEVALUE("SEP") = 34578
where the year is omitted, and assuming the year is 1994


DATEVALUE("06.04.66") = 24203


DATEVALUE("06.04.1966") = 24203


CAUTION: When the year is defaulted, the value returned by DATEVALUE will vary depending on the year. For example, if you are using Objective Grid late on New Year's Eve 1991, the function DATEVALUE("1-Jan") will return 33239 before midnight and 33604 after midnight.