Formula Engine Reference Guide


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MATCH(V, R[, T])

This function returns the relative position of the value V in the range R, according to the rule specified by T:

1 find largest value in R <= V
0 or omitted find first value in R = V
-1 find smallest value in R = V

V can be a string or a numeric value. If V is a string, T must be 0 or omitted. If V is a string, it may contain the wildcard characters, asterisk () and question mark (?), to represent any sequence of characters and any single character respectively.



Value to be matched


Range in which to match V


Type of match



0 A B

Products   Quantity (Boxes)
Apple            32
Orange          50
Cherry           15
Banana         20
Cantaloupe    10
Strawberry     25

MATCH(15, B1..B7) = 3


MATCH(30, B1..B7, 1) = 6


MATCH(30, B1..B7, -1) = 1


MATCH("Orange", A1..A7) = 2


MATCH("Can", A1..A7) = 5