Objective Grid for Microsoft® .NET® Reference Guide

Cell Class

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This class represents a grid cell.     

For a list of all members of this type, see Cell Members.


[Visual Basic]
Public Class Cell
public class Cell



Instances of this class are available via the GridControl indexer. For example, the following C# source code obtains a Cell object referencing cell 1,1 by using the indexer on a GridControl named GridControl1.     


Cell cell = GridControl1[1, 1];     


Once an instance of a cell is obtained, you can use it to manipulate the style for the cell that it references, or you can store it as a reference to a location in the grid.     


Because the GridControl indexer property returns an instance of a Cell object and the Cell class offers a Style property, cell styles can be conveniently manipulated in source code using single lines of code. For example, the following C# source code changes the Interior property of a grid cell to a hatched pattern with black as the foreground color and bisque as the background color.     


GridControl1[1, 1].Style.Interior = Stingray.Grid.OGBrush.OGHatchedBrush(Color.Black, Color.Bisque, HatchStyle.Cross);     


The following C# source code changes the style of cell 1, 2 to read-only with the text "Read Only".     


GridControl1[12, 3].Style.Value = "Read Only"; GridControl1[12, 3].Style.ReadOnly = true;     



Namespace: Stingray.Grid

Assemblies: Stingray.GridControl80 (in Stingray.GridControl80.dll)
                     Stingray.GridControl90 (in Stingray.GridControl90.dll)
                     Stingray.GridControl10 (in Stingray.GridControl10.dll)

See Also

Cell Members | Stingray.Grid Namespace