Objective Grid for Microsoft® .NET® Reference Guide

GridControl Class

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This class represents a StingrayGrid .NET grid control.     

For a list of all members of this type, see GridControl Members.


[Visual Basic]
Public Class GridControl
Inherits Panel
Implements ISupportInitialize
public class GridControl : Panel, ISupportInitialize



The GridControl class represents and embodies a Grid .NET grid control. The GridControl custom control is added to the Visual Studio .NET toolbox when Grid. NET is installed. When a GridControl is dragged onto a Windows Form, an instance of the GridControl class is created. The GridControl class contains a rich public interface, a rich set of public events, a number of properties, and a customizable virtual method interface.     


The grid includes hierarchical grid support that allows you to establish a one-top-many parent-child relationship between grids. Each row can be expanded to show a child grid of sub-rows in a tree-like fashion. Set the HierarchicalGrid property to true if you require support for hierarchical relationship display.     



Namespace: Stingray.Grid

Assemblies: Stingray.GridControl80 (in Stingray.GridControl80.dll)
                     Stingray.GridControl90 (in Stingray.GridControl90.dll)
                     Stingray.GridControl10 (in Stingray.GridControl10.dll)

See Also

GridControl Members | Stingray.Grid Namespace