
int SRGraphException::m_nCause

Holds the cause of the current exception
May be one of...
none No cause was given
generic An undefined error occurred.
group An attempt was made to access a non-existent group.
index An attempt was made to access a non-existent index.
null A required data item was marked as null data.
dynamic A dynamic data error occurred.
dynamicType An attempt to use a data type not consistent with other dynamic data was attempted.
dynamicNotready An attempt was made to send data to an un-initialized dynamic data store.
component A component error occurred.
fillstyle An error occurred while reading a fill style from a template.
font An error occurred while reading a font descriptor from a template.
legend An error occurred while reading a legend descriptor from a template
data An error occurred while reading a data descriptor from a template.
command A template command was not recognized.
border An error occurred while reading a border descriptor from a template.
type An unknown type has been found in a component.
syntax A syntax error occurred while reading a template.
label The placement of a label has reduced the drawing surface to zero.
drawing A function requiring a valid m-pCWnd or m_pDC was called while the graph was not drawing.
polygon An error occurred while loading a polygon resource.
wiget An error occurred while loading a wiget resource.
graphtype A graph type was used that is not suitable for the type or range of data.
logscale The data in the graph were not suitable for use on a logarithmic scale.
odd An odd number of data items exists, but an even number is required.