
inline BOOL SRGraphStyle::GetDisplayInfoOnly(void)

NEW 6.01 Returns the Display Info Only semaphore.
When a display is set-up to use the new ScaleBar components it may be neccesary to set an axis and label style in a display without actually drawing them.
The DisplayInfoOnly semaphore is designed to allow a label and axis style to be set but ignored by the display drawing routines thereby allowing the scale-bar components to do the actual label drawing. Scale bars also control the grid-lines and tick-marks of the display.

Defined in: SRGDat.h

Return Value

inline BOOL

Developer Notes

Be aware that when scale bars are used to draw the grid-lines the data will always be below the lines even if the grid-order is set to show data on top of the lines. This is due to the fact that scale bars must be placed on the component list after the display and so the display's draw cycle is already complete by the time the scale-bars are drawn.
Note also that this style is context sensitive and shares the semaphore for LegendLockRC which may apply to legends. Generally it would be nonsense to set the DisplayInfoOnly semaphore in a legend or the LegendLockRC semaphore in a display.