SRGDataWatcher Class

class SRGDataWatcher: public SRGGridLines

The SRGDataWatcher class provides a simple method for monitoring data levels and triggering events or highlighting data should the scanned items exceed certain preset limits.

Defined in: SRGDataWatcher.h

Class Members

CHART_API virtual void SetptrTickPointerList(CPtrList *p)

Overridden to prevent the base class function from effecting this object

CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive &ar)

Saves or retrieves this data watcher via the archive

CHART_API virtual void UnmarkExcursion(int index,int group)

Removes the highlight from a data object if it no longer causes an excursion

CHART_API virtual void FlagExcursion(int index, int group)

Flags an excursion for a particular data object -- must be overridden by your application if used

CHART_API virtual void WriteSpecificParameters(CStdioFile *pFile)

Writes the datawatcher parameters to a template

CHART_API virtual void WriteName(CStdioFile *pFile)

Writes the name of this object to a template

CHART_API virtual void Draw(CDC *pDC,CWnd *pCWnd)

Scans the data scope applying the current criteria and calls either DataInRange or DataExcursion

CHART_API SRGDataWatcher()


CHART_API virtual ~SRGDataWatcher()


CHART_API virtual void SetScanType(int n)

Sets the type of scan to be used

CHART_API virtual int GetScanType()

Returns the scan type

CHART_API virtual void SetLinkToDisplay(BOOL b)

Set flag linking the watcher to the next display component in the list

CHART_API virtual BOOL GetLinkToDisplay()

Returns flag linking the watcher to a display component

CHART_API virtual void SetHighLimit(double d)

Sets the value of the high limit

CHART_API virtual void SetLowLimit(double d)

Sets the value of the low limit

CHART_API virtual double GetHighLimit()

Returns the value of the high limit

CHART_API virtual double GetLowLimit()

Returns the value of the low limit

CHART_API virtual void SetVisible(BOOL v)

Sets the visibility flag

CHART_API virtual BOOL GetVisible()

Returns the visibility flag

CHART_API virtual void SetCustomScanLevels()

Sets scan levels according to your own custom system

CHART_API virtual void DrawForeground()

Draws a control limit line or lines on the chart -- if this object is a subcomponent

CHART_API virtual void GetWorkingScope()

Gets data scope from linked display component if m_bLinkToDisplay is set

CHART_API virtual void MarkExcursion(int index, int group)

Sets the highlight style of the data object that caused the excursion

CHART_API virtual void DataExcursion()

Override to signal an out-of-range event

CHART_API virtual void DataInRange()

Override to signal an in-range event

CHART_API virtual void DataScan()

Performs a data scan over the scope

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanAboveLimit()

Performs data checking for "above limit" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanBelowLimit()

Performs data checking for "below limit" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanAverageAboveLimit()

Performs data checking for "average above limit" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanAverageBelowLimit()

Performs data checking for "average below limit" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanInBracket()

Performs data checking for "in bracket" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanOutOfBracket()

Performs data checking for "out of bracket" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanAverageInBracket()

Performs data checking for "average in bracket" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanAverageOutOfBracket()

Performs data checking for "average out of bracket" scan type

CHART_API virtual BOOL ScanCustom()

Performs data checking for custom scan types -- must be overriden if used

BOOL m_bVisible

Visibility flag

BOOL m_bLinkToDisplay

Flag linking the watcher to the next display component in the list

double m_dHighLimit

High limit value

double m_dLowLimit

Low limit value

int m_nScanType

Type of data checking to do