SRGraphAnnotation Class

class SRGraphAnnotation: public CObject

This class is the basic storage medium for multi-language annotations for graphs.
The m_nCode data member holds an integer which corresponds to the country code of the annotation.
The m_strAnnotation data member is a CString object which holds the text in the specific language of the country.
For example:
m_nCode=01(USA) m_strAnnotation="Annual peanut production world-wide"
m_nCode=33(France) m_strAnnotation="Production annuel des cachuettes (mondial)"

Defined in: SRGDat.h

Class Members

Data members

int m_nCode

Country code corresponding to the international telephone dialing code

CString m_strAnnotation

Text associated with this annotation

Member functions

inline SRGraphAnnotation()

Default constructor -- initializes the country code to 01 (USA).

CHART_API SRGraphAnnotation(int code, LPCTSTR text)

Constructor with code and text initializers

CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Handles storage and retrieval of the data

CHART_API int GetCode()

Queries the country code data member

CHART_API void SetCode(int code)

Sets the country code data member

CString& GetText()

Retrieves the text for this annotation

CHART_API void SetText(CString s)

Stores text in this annotation

CHART_API void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const

DEBUG ONLY dumps the contents of this object