SRGraphAnnotationList Class

class SRGraphAnnotationList: public CObList

The annotation list class manages the multi-lingual annotations for Objective Chart. It handles lists of SRGraphAnnotation objects.
Annotation lists allow you to have a single graph with multiple annotations in each element. The graph will note the locale of the computer on which it is being displayed and will use the corresponding entry. The default locale is 01 (USA).

Defined in: SRGDat.h

Class Members

Protected data member


Always contains a empty string ("")

Member functions

CHART_API virtual void WriteList(CStdioFile *file)

Writes the list of annotations to the template file

CHART_API virtual CString& GetAnnotation(int code=1)

Retrieves an annotation for a specific code

inline SRGraphAnnotationList()

Default constructor

CHART_API virtual ~SRGraphAnnotationList()

Destructor -- handles cleanup of stored SRGraphAnnotation objects

CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive &ar)


CHART_API void Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const

Dump this object to a CDumpContext

CHART_API void SetAnnotation(int code, LPCTSTR text)

Adds an annotation or replaces one with the corresponding country code

CHART_API void SetAnnotation(LPCTSTR text)

Sets annotation in default locale

CHART_API void KillList(void)

Deletes all data in a list