SRGraphData Class

class SRGraphData: public CObject

Manages one item of data within a graph

SRGraphData can be considered as the controller for one node in a chart, one bar on a graph, one slice of a pie chart, etc.
Each node has a value member (held in m_Value) and an annotation list (held in m_strAnnotationList).
The SRGraphAnnotationList enables a single node to hold many text annotations which are recognized according to a locale-specific code. These annotations may then be used to reproduce graphs for different languages without needing to alter the data itself.

Defined in: SRGDat.h

Developer Notes

The data items now contain a null flag (m_bNull) which may be set to exclude a data item from the display.

Class Members

Data members

CScale m_HiLoValue

Accumulated high and low values

double m_dValue

Floating-point current value of the graph data item

SRGraphAnnotationList m_strAnnotationList

Manages the multi-lingual annotation list

SRGraphStyle m_Style

Style settings for this data object


Semaphore -- when TRUE the data held in this item is NULL and should not be used

Member functions

CHART_API virtual ~SRGraphData()


CHART_API virtual SRGraphStyle * GetStyle()

Returns the style of the data item

CHART_API virtual void SetNull(BOOL b)

Sets the m_bNull member

CHART_API virtual BOOL GetNull()

Interrogates the m_bNull member

CHART_API virtual double GetLogValue()

Returns the true logarithmic value for m_value

CHART_API virtual void Zero()

Returns all data to zero and cleans the hi-lo data

CHART_API virtual CScale GetHiLoData()

Returns the hi-lo data value

CHART_API virtual BOOL IsDynamic()

Returns FALSE because this is not a dynamic data storage object

CHART_API virtual CString& GetAnnotation(int code=1)

Retrieves the annotation for this object that is associated with the given country code

CHART_API virtual double GetValue(BOOL bLogData=FALSE)

Retrieves the current value for this data object

CHART_API virtual void SetValue(double number)

Initializes the value for this object


Constructor with default initialization of the data members

CHART_API SRGraphData(double value, CString text, int style=0)

Constructor with explicit initialization of data members

CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Handles storage and retrieval

CHART_API virtual void SetAnnotation(int code, LPCTSTR text)

Overload 1. Sets text in an annotation for given country code

CHART_API virtual void SetAnnotation(LPCTSTR text, BOOL clear=FALSE, int code=1)

Overload 2. Sets text in an annotation -- flexible

CHART_API virtual SRGraphAnnotationList* GetAnnotationList()

Returns a pointer to the annotation list associated with this object

CHART_API virtual CScale* GetHiLoValue()

Returns a pointer to the CScale item (hi-lo history) associated with this object

CHART_API void Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const

Dumps this object to a CDumpContext