SRGraphDataList Class

class SRGraphDataList: public CObList

Holds a linked list of SRGraphData objects
This class is the top level data store for the SRGraph class. The m_strAnnotation member of this class effectively names the graph.

Defined in: SRGDat.h


For example:

SRGraphDataList <nl>
	m_strAnnotation (01),("January 1996") <nl>
SRGraphData <nl>
	m_Value 50,000 <nl>
	m_Annotation (01),("Capital expenditure") <nl>
SRGraphData <nl>
	m_Value 17,000 <nl>
	m_Annotation (01),("Wages") <nl>
SRGraphData <nl>
	m_Value 77,000 <nl>
	m_Annotation (01),("Gross Income") <nl>
SRGraphData <nl>
	m_Value 10,000 <nl>
	m_Annotation (01),("Profit") <nl>

Class Members

Public data members

SRGraphStyle m_Style

Style information which may globally affect the styles of the whole list

SRGraphAnnotationList m_strAnnotationList

Annotations for this data list

Member functions

CHART_API virtual int GetDataCount()

Returns the data item count

CHART_API virtual SRGraphData * NewIndex()

Creates a new data object and adds it to the list

CHART_API virtual POSITION SetIndex(SRGraphData *pData,int nIndex=-1)

Places a (already created) SRGraphData or derived object into the list

CHART_API virtual void Roll(double dValue,BOOL bDirection=FALSE)

Rolls a data set forwards or backwards

CHART_API virtual SRGraphAnnotationList * GetAnnotationList()

Returns a pointer to the annotation list

CHART_API virtual SRGraphStyle * GetStyle()

Returns a pointer to this object's style member

CHART_API virtual void SetDynamic(BOOL b=TRUE)

Sets or resets the dynamic chart flag

CHART_API SRGraphDataList()

Default constructor

SRGraphDataList(LPCTSTR text,int code=01)

Constructor with annotation initialization

CHART_API virtual ~SRGraphDataList()

Destructor -- cleans up stored objects

CHART_API virtual CString& GetAnnotation(int code=1)

Retrieves annotations for this list -- used to fetch group headers

CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive &ar)

Handles storage and retrieval of the data

CHART_API void SetAnnotation(int code, LPCTSTR text)

Overload 1. Sets text in an annotation

CHART_API void SetAnnotation(LPCTSTR text, BOOL clear=FALSE, int code=1)

Overload 2. Sets text in an annotation

CHART_API virtual SRGraphData * GetIndex(int index,BOOL GrowList=TRUE)

Returns the requested SRGraphData object, possibly making the list grow if it is too short

CHART_API virtual void InvalidateIndexPosition()

Marks the position of the last index accessed as invalid

inline virtual BOOL IsDynamic()

Interrogates the m_bDynamic member

CHART_API void Dump(CDumpContext &) const

Dumps the contents of this object to a CDumpContext

Protected data members

UINT m_LastIndex

Last index for the speed-up code


Last position for the speed-up code

BOOL m_bDynamic

Set TRUE when this list holds a single dynamic data object instead of a list of individual non-dynamic objects