SRGraphException Class

class SRGraphException: public CException

Exception class for SRGraph

Defined in: SRGExc.h

CHART_API virtual UINT UserExceptionID()

Called to allow user exception handling

CHART_API SRGraphException(int cause=0)


CHART_API void ShowErrorMessage()

Displays the message associated with the current exception code

CHART_API virtual BOOL GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext=NULL)

Override of the CException::GetErrorMessage function -- uses strings defined in the SRGraphResource (SRGRES.RC) file

int m_nCause

Cause of the exception

Class Members

protected member functions

CHART_API virtual UINT GetErrorID()

Fetches the correct resource ID for the error