SRGraphLabelBlock Class

class SRGraphLabelBlock: public SRGraphLabel

Manages blocks of SRGraphLabel objects

Defined in: SRGraphLabelBlock.h


Label blocks may perform anti-collision calculations on labels which they control. If this facility is enabled, then any label found to be overlapping another may optionally be removed or moved in a specific direction.
Label blocks are also capable of maintaining a list of points, effectively the points at which each label was displayed, for the positioning of tick marks or grid lines.

Class Members

protected data members

BOOL m_bUseMyOwnTickList

When reset - label placement and sizing takes place but no text is output,

BOOL m_bUseMyOwnTickList

Set by the label block when a tick logging request is made but no tick list is provided

BOOL m_bCheckOverlaps

When TRUE, the label block checks all labels for overlaps and performs anti-collision vectoring

CRect m_BlockRect

Rectangle of the screen covered by the label block -- determined during pass 0 or pass 1 processing

CSize m_TotalBlockSize

Accumulated unrotated size of the label block

CObList m_LabelList

List of SRGraphLabel objects that this block holds

BOOL m_bLogTickPositions

Enables the logging of label locations in a tick list

public member functions

CRgn* m_pNoDrawRgn

Pointer to a region that will be reserved for other use

CHART_API int CalcFontAutoSize()

Calculate the font size

CHART_API void SetFontStyle(int nFontStyle)

Sets the font style and reset the autofontsize flag

CHART_API virtual void UpdateTickList()

Updates the tick list without an offset

CHART_API virtual void CreateLabels()

Creates the labels

CHART_API virtual int GetLabelCount()

Returns the number of labels in this block

CHART_API virtual void RemoveLastLabel()

Removes and deletes the "tail" label from the label list

CHART_API virtual void KillLabels()

Removes and deletes all labels in the list

CHART_API virtual void SetPass(BOOL b)

Initializes the pass semaphore to allow pre-draw sizing of the labels or actual drawing

CHART_API virtual BOOL GetPass()

Interrogates the m_bPass member

CHART_API virtual void AddLabelIndex(LPCTSTR LabelText,int nIndex,int nCode=1)

Adds a label or updates a label in an indexed position

CHART_API virtual void UpdateTickList(int nOffsetX,int nOffsetY)

Transfers all label locations to a list for use when drawing grid lines and tick marks

CHART_API virtual SRGraphLabel * GetLabelIndex(int nIndex)

Retrieves a label from the list referenced by index

CHART_API virtual void AddLabel(SRGraphLabel *label,BOOL bUseLocalFont=FALSE)

Adds a label to the tail of the label list

CHART_API virtual void SetBlockLocationPoints(int nLocationPoint)

Globally sets the location points for all labels in the block

CHART_API virtual void SetBlockOrientations(double dAngle)

Globally sets the orientation angles for all labels in the block

CHART_API virtual void SetBlockPositions(CPoint StartPoint, CPoint EndPoint)

"Pegs" all labels in a block along a line between the two points supplied

CHART_API virtual void SetBlockVectors(double dVectorX,double dVectorY)

Globally sets the anti-collision vectors for all labels in the block

CHART_API virtual void AddLabel(LPCTSTR strLabelText)

Adds a label to the list (overload)

CHART_API virtual CRect GetBlockRect()

Returns a rectangle (in device dependent coordinates) calculated to fully cover the drawn block

CHART_API virtual CRect GetLogRect()

Same as GetBlockRect() -- for compatiblity with other components

CHART_API virtual void SetptrTickPositionList(CPtrList *ptr)

Initializes the pointer to the block's tick list

CHART_API virtual void SetLogTickPositions(BOOL b)

Enables or disables the tick position logging feature

CHART_API virtual CPtrList* GetptrTickPositionList()

Retrieves the pointer to the tick position list associated with this label block

CHART_API virtual void SetCheckOverlaps(BOOL b)

Enables or disables the block's anti-collision feature

CHART_API virtual BOOL GetCheckOverlaps()

Returns the anti-collision test semaphore

CHART_API SRGraphLabelBlock()


CHART_API virtual ~SRGraphLabelBlock()


CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive &ar)

Allows storage or retrieval via the archive

enum BlockTitle

Block title positions

enum LabelPositions

May be used instead of a positive integer index to return the first or last label on the list

protected member functions

inline void DrawBorder()

Overridden to prevent the drawing of a component panel

inline void DrawFill()

Overridden to prevent the drawing of a component panel

inline void DrawShadow()

Overridden to prevent the drawing of a component panel

CHART_API void DrawForeground()

Sizes or draws the text with anti-collision if enabled

Protected data members

CPtrList m_LabelRects

Windows CE only. This maintains a list of CRects for anti collision detection without regions.


List class position storage for speed-up code

int m_nLastIndex

List class index number for speed-up code

int m_nBlockTitle
