SRGraphTip Class

class SRGraphTip

A simple tooltip-style window designed to show data for the SRGraphFeedback system

Defined in: grphtip.h


This simple window draws a ToolTip-like box with text on the main window. It is not clipped by its parent and remains in place for 5 seconds unless it is turned off or the mouse cursor passes over it.

Class Members

CHART_API virtual void SetTipTime(int v)

Initializes the tip timer

CHART_API virtual int GetTipTime()

retrieves the tip timer value

CHART_API virtual BOOL IsShowing()

Returns TRUE if the Graph Tip is currently visible

CHART_API virtual void ShowTip(LPCTSTR strText,CPoint point,CWnd *pParentWnd)

One-step initialization of the Graph Tip

CHART_API virtual void ShowTip(CPoint point, CWnd* pParentWnd, LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...)

Variable argument version of ShowTip

CHART_API virtual void ShowTip(CPoint point, HWND hParentWnd, LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...)

Variable argument version of ShowTip

CHART_API virtual void ShowTip(LPCTSTR strText, CPoint point, HWND hParentWnd)

Show tooltips



CHART_API virtual void EraseTip()

Removes the Graph Tip and destroys the window

CHART_API void SetTextColor(COLORREF color)

Set the text color for the tooltip

CHART_API void SetBkColor(COLORREF color)

Set the background color for the tooltip

CHART_API virtual ~SRGraphTip()


COLORREF m_TextColor

The tooltip foreground color

int m_nTipTime

The time (in milliseconds) that the tip is to be shown

HBRUSH m_hBkBrush

Handle to the background brush

CString m_ClassName

The Afx generated class name

CString m_TextString

The text to display in the Graph Tip

CPoint m_Point

The point at which the graph tip is drawn

BOOL m_bShowing

TRUE when the Graph Tip is visible

CHART_API afx_msg void OnPaint()

Draws the tip text in the window

CHART_API afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)

Destroys the tip window when mouse cursor passes over it

CHART_API afx_msg void OnTimer(SEC_UINT nIDEvent)

Destroys the tip window when time limit (5 seconds) expires