SRGraphTitleResizeable Class

class SRGraphTitleResizeable: public SRGraphTitle

A derivative of SRGraphTitle SRGraphTitle that can resize its component rectangle to fit its text

Defined in: SRGraphTitle.h

Class Members

Protected data members

SRGraphRect m_FinalRect

The final, resized component rectangle in device independent coordinates

BOOL m_bResize

Semaphore to resize the component rectangle to fit the title text (default=TRUE)

BOOL m_bSizeForeground

Internal semaphore signifying a demand to recalculate the component size -- see DrawForeground

public member functions

CHART_API SRGraphTitleResizeable()


CHART_API virtual ~SRGraphTitleResizeable()


inline virtual void SetResize(BOOL b=TRUE)

Set TRUE if the legend component rectangle is to be resized to fit the legend data

inline virtual BOOL GetResize()

Returns TRUE if the legend component rectangle is resizable

CHART_API virtual SRGraphRect CalcFinalRect(CDC *pDC,CWnd *pCWnd)

Returns actual, resized component rectangle -- can be called outside of draw cycle

inline SRGraphRect GetFinalRect()

Returns actual, resized component rectangle determined by previous call to Draw() or CalcFinalRect()

CHART_API virtual void Draw(CDC *pDC,CWnd *pCWnd)

Overrides SRGraphComponent::Draw to enable automatic resizing

CHART_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

To store or retrieve information via a CArchive

CHART_API virtual CScale SetComponentFileVersion()

NEW 6.01 SP1 The legend has a new file setting.

Protected member functions

CHART_API virtual void DrawForeground()

Draws text or recalculates the size of the component