SECEditCtrlOleDropTarget Class

class SECEditCtrlOleDropTarget: public COleDropTarget

A SECEditCtrlOleDropTarget object provides the communication mechanism between an SECEditCtrl window and the OLE libraries. Creating an object of this class allows a SECEditCtrl window to accept data through the OLE drag-and-drop mechanism. The COleDropTarget class only forwards drop messages to CView derived classes. This class enables message forwarding to the controller.

To get a window to accept drop commands, you should first create an object of the SECEditCtrlOleDropTarget class, and then call the Register function with a pointer to the desired SECEditCtrl object as the only parameter.

This class overrides a number of methods of the COleDropTarget class to call the appropriate SECEditCtrl methods.

Defined in: SECEditCtrlOleDropTarget.h

See Also


Class Members


EDIT_API SECEditCtrlOleDropTarget()


Overridable methods

EDIT_API virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragEnter(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point)

Called when the cursor first enters the window.

EDIT_API virtual void OnDragLeave(CWnd* pWnd)

Called when the cursor is dragged out of the window.

EDIT_API virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragOver(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point)

Called repeatedly when the cursor is dragged over the window.

EDIT_API virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragScroll(CWnd* pWnd, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point)

Called to determine whether the cursor is dragged into the scroll region of the window.

EDIT_API virtual BOOL OnDrop(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point)

Called when data is dropped into the window, default handler.

EDIT_API virtual DROPEFFECT OnDropEx(CWnd* pWnd, COleDataObject* pDataObject, DROPEFFECT dropDefault, DROPEFFECT dropList, CPoint point)

Called when data is dropped into the window, initial handler.