SECEditViewport Class

class SECEditViewport: public MvcViewport

SECEditViewport is the view for Objective Edit.

The SECEditViewport class is a derivative of the MVC architecture that depends upon a model and has a controller. A viewport is conceptually similar to a CView class. It's most important difference is it isn't a window (or CWnd derivative). A CWnd class aggregates a viewport and delegates the rendering to the viewport class.

The SECEditCtrl and SECEditView classes aggregate the CWnd and CView classes through the SECEditCtrlWrapper_T and SECEditViewWrapper_T template classes, respectively.

Defined in: SECEditViewport.h

See Also

SECEditCtrl SECEditCtrlWrapper_T SECEditView SECEditViewWrapper_T

Class Members


EDIT_API SECEditViewport()

SECEditViewport Constructor

EDIT_API virtual ~SECEditViewport()

SECEditViewport Destructor

MvcViewport Overrides

EDIT_API virtual CPoint OffsetLogOrigin(int xOff, int yOff)

Offsets the logical origin of this viewport

EDIT_API virtual CRect Pan(int xOff, int yOff)

Pans the logical origin of this viewport

EDIT_API virtual CSize GetVirtualSize() const

Gets the logical size of this viewport

EDIT_API virtual CPoint SetLogOrigin(int x, int y)

Sets the logical origin of this viewport

inline CPoint SetLogOrigin(const CPoint& ptLog)

Sets the logical origin of this viewport

EDIT_API virtual void LPtoDP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount = 1) const

Converts from Logical Points to Device Points

EDIT_API virtual void LPtoDP(LPRECT lpRect) const

Converts from Logical Points to Device Points

EDIT_API virtual void LPtoDP(LPSIZE lpSize) const

Converts from Logical Points to Device Points

EDIT_API virtual void DPtoLP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount = 1) const

Converts from Device Points to Logical Points

EDIT_API virtual void DPtoLP(LPRECT lpRect) const

Converts from Device Points to Logical Points

EDIT_API virtual void DPtoLP(LPSIZE lpSize) const

Converts from Device Points to Logical Points

EDIT_API virtual void OnUpdate(sfl::IMvcSubject* pSubject, sfl::IMvcMessage* pMsg)

Handle notifications of change on the subject (SECEdit) this viewport is observing

EDIT_API virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC)

Renders the data for this viewport


EDIT_API virtual SECEditFontInfo* GetFontInfo() const

Gets the Font and Coloring information for this viewport to use

EDIT_API virtual SECEdit* GetEditModel() const

Returns a pointer to the SECEdit Model that this viewport observes

EDIT_API virtual SECEditController* GetSECEditController() const

Returns a pointer to the SECEditController for this viewport

EDIT_API virtual ISECEditLangConfig* GetLangPtr() const

Gets the Syntax and Language Settings this viewport is using


EDIT_API void InvalidateLines(int nStartLine, int nEndLine = -1)

Invalidates a range of lines

Protected methods

EDIT_API virtual void RenderGutter(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcGutter) const

Fills the gutter background area

EDIT_API virtual void DrawGutter(CRect rcInvalid) const

Draws the gutter area and any gutter marks

EDIT_API virtual void DrawBreakpoint(int nLine, CDC* pDC, CRect rcMark) const

Draws a Breakpoint in the gutter

EDIT_API virtual void DrawBookmark(int nLine, CDC* pDC, CRect rcMark) const

Draws a Bookmark in the gutter

EDIT_API virtual void PreDrawMarks(int nLine, CDC* pDC, CRect rcMark) const

Called before any items are drawn in the gutter

EDIT_API virtual void DrawMarks(int nLine, CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcMark) const

Called to draw the items in the gutter

EDIT_API virtual void DrawIndex(int nLine, CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcIndex) const

Called to draw the ittems in the Index section of gutter

EDIT_API virtual void PostDrawMarks(int nLine, CDC* pDC, CRect rcMark) const

Called after the items have been drawn in the gutter

EDIT_API virtual CSize DrawBlock(CDC* pDC, int nTabStops, int nLeftEdge, int nY, int nLeftEdgeOffset, LPCTSTR lpszText, int nLength, int nCol, int nLineNo, SECEditColorInfo* pFontInfo, BOOL bShowWhitespace = FALSE, BOOL bInSelection = FALSE, int nSelStartCol = 0, int nSelEndCol = 0) const

Prepares the viewport to render an individual block of text

EDIT_API virtual CSize RenderBlockText(CDC* pDC, int nTabStops, int nLeftEdge, int nY, int nLeftEdgeOffset, LPCTSTR lpszText, int nLength, int nCol, int nLineNo, SECEditColorInfo* pFontInfo, BOOL bInSelection) const

Renders a block of text to the viewport. Override to customize the text rendering

EDIT_API virtual void FillBackgroundRect(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcBack, COLORREF clrBack) const

Draws the background space between the last line and the bottom of the window

EDIT_API virtual void DrawColumnSelectInProgress(CDC* pDC) const

Draws the Column Selection when in progress

EDIT_API virtual ISECEditPresentationState* GetPS() const

Gets the Presentation State for this viewport

EDIT_API virtual BOOL CreateController()

Creates the controller for this viewport