
virtual BOOL CMvcVisualPart::OnCreate(void)

Called after the visual part has been created to allow the creation and/or initialization of additional children

Defined in: MvcVisualPart.h

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the call was successful


This function is called by Create after it has finished creating this visual part. If you have additional members to create or initialize, you can do so by overriding this member in your derived classes. The difference between this function and OnInitialUpdate is the latter is called later in the construction and initialization process. By the time OnInitialUpdate is called, all children should be created and, if this is a viewport, the model will be set. This function is called just after creation and cannot depend on the model being ready. But, if you need to create addition children or sibilings (i.e. scroll bars), override this member and do so there. You could accomplish the same thing by overriding Create and calling the base class implementation first. The advantage of overriding this function versus Create is the signature of OnCreate doesn't change whereas Create has a different number of arguments depending on the level of derivation. Therefore, a wrapper class can't override Create because a wrapper class wouldn't know which prototype to override.

See Also
