
Support for the special layout arrangement often encountered in frame windows, where there are four special areas attached to the borders of the window called the borders, and a space between them called the client area.
IBorderClient interface provides the necessary additional functionality to implement such arrangement.

Defined in: BorderClient.h

Based On


Class Members


Identify the specific areas designated in the Border-Client arrangement.


Defines whether the horizontal borders take precedence over the vertical ones or vice-versa.


int AddLayoutNode

Adds a child layout node to this node's children list.


BorderAlgorithm Get/SetBorderAlgorithm

Defines whether the horizontal borders take precedence over the vertical ones or vice-versa.


bool LocatePositionFromNode

Given a layout node, returns the position that node is currently occupying within the Border-Client designated areas.

ILayoutNode* LocateNodeFromPosition

Returns the layout node located at the position indicated.