
BOOL SECPopupColorWell::Create(DWORD dwStyle, CRect& buttonRect, CWnd* pParentWnd, BOOL bHasOther, CCreateContext* pContext)

Creates a popup color well window and attaches it to the SECPopupColorWell object.

You construct a popup color well window in two stages. First, call the SECPopupColorWell constructor, which constructs the SECPopupColorWell object. Then call Create, which creates a popup color well window and attaches it to the SECColorWell object.

Defining the popup color well window to have an 'Other' button allows colors other than the 20 system colors on the face of the button to be used. When the user clicks the 'Other' button, the CWN_CUSTOM_COLOR message is sent to the notification window.

When the popup color well window loses focus or a color is selected, only the window is destroyed, NOT the SECPopupColorWell object. It is then possible to call Create again on the same SECPopupColorWell object to create another popup color well window.

Defined in: SECWELL.cpp

Return Value

Nonzero if the SECPopupColorWell window was successfully created; otherwise 0.



Window style to create the popup color well window with.


Window rectangle of the button associated with the popup color well window.


Pointer to the parent of the popup color well window.


TRUE if the popup color well window has an 'Other' button.


The create context of the window.

See Also
