CBrushFTR Class

class CBrushFTR: public CXMLSerializeImp

CBrushFTR is the XML formatter for the MFC CBrush class. Implementations of XMLSerialize() that attempt to serialize a CBrush, should create an instance of the CBrushFTR class, initialize it with the LOGBRUSH object attached to the CBrush and then pass the formatter to the SECXMLArchive::Read/Write method.

See Also SECXMLArchive and CXMLSerializeImp

Defined in: xmlgdiser.h


Getting a LOGBRUSH instead of a CBrush, since while storing the CBrush contents could contain application specifics (like lbHatch pointing to a packed DIB) that are not meant to be persisted, and while reading there might be insufficient information to create a CBrush out of the persisted information.

Class Members

CBrushFTR(LOGBRUSH& lb, LPCTSTR strElementType = _T("Brush")) : CXMLSerializeImp(strElementType), m_lb(lb) { }; (lb)
