CEnumeration Class

class CEnumeration: public IEnumeration

Provides a default implementation of the IEnumeration interface.

Defined in: Enumeration.h

See Also


Class Members


Construct an enumeration.

virtual ~CEnumeration()

Destroy an enumeration.

Values m_values

Item values in the enumeration.

Descriptions m_descriptions

Item descriptions in the enumeration.

ULONG m_ulRefCount

Reference count.

virtual int GetItemCount() const

Return the number of items in the enumeration.

virtual void GetItemValue(const int nItemIdx, VARIANT& val) const

Get the value of the given item in the enumeration.

virtual void SetItemValue(const int nItemIdx, const VARIANT& val)

Set the value of the given item in the enumeration.

virtual void GetItemDescription(const int nItemIdx, BSTR* bDesc) const

Get the description of the given item in the enumeration.

virtual void SetItemDescription(const int nItemIdx, const OLECHAR* pszDesc)

Set the description of the given item in the enumeration.

virtual void AddItem(const VARIANT& val, const OLECHAR* pszDesc)

Add an item to the enumeration.