CMvcPrintable Class

class CMvcPrintable

This class provides an implementation of the IPrintable interface for MVC viewports. It paginates the virtual bounds of the viewport from left to right and top to bottom using the printer configuration specified in the print document.

Defined in: MvcPrintable.h

Class Members

virtual int GetPageCount(CPrintDoc* pPrintDoc)

Get number of pages in document.

virtual bool BeginPage(CPrintDoc* pPrintDoc)

Prepare to print the next page.

virtual bool PrintPage(CPrintDoc* pPrintDoc)

Print the current page to the print document.

virtual bool EndPage(CPrintDoc* pPrintDoc)

Cleanup after printing a page.

virtual CSize GetPageDimensions(CPrinterConfig* pPrinterConfig)

Calculate page dimensions in logical units.

virtual CRect GetPageBounds(CPrinterConfig* pPrinterConfig, const int nPageNo)

Calculate the bounds of a given page in logical units.