CTypedPtrListFTR Class

class CTypedPtrListFTR: public CListFTRBase,_dataType>

The CTypedPtrListFTR class is the XML formatter for the MFC CTypedPtrList collection template class. In order to serialize the contents of a CTypedPtrList, your serialization code should first create an instance of the CTypedPtrListFTR class, initialize it with the list object and then pass the formatter to the SECXMLArchive::Read/Write method.

Defined in: XMLCollFormatters.h

Class Template Arguments


Template parameter specifying the base class of the typed pointer list class.


Template parameter specifying the type of objects stored in the list.


XML formatter for the data type stored in the list.


The CObjectFTR_Router<_dataType> default option serves as a step-in when using the CTypedPtrList with a CObList and the XML Formatter Factory.

Class Members

CTypedPtrListFTR(_list*& pList, LPCTSTR strElement = _T("TypedPtrList"))
