CWindowAdapter Class

class CWindowAdapter: public CEventListenerBase

The mouse adapter class supplies a default implementation of the IWindowListener interface. The HandleEvent function deciphers the event and maps it to a member function for handling. This class supplies a default implementation for all handler messages in the IWindowListener interface that always return FALSE. Window listeners can be derived from this class that override and implement only the handlers they are interested in.

Defined in: WindowListener.h

Class Members

inline virtual bool OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)

Handles window create events.

inline virtual bool OnDestroy()

Handles window destroy events.

inline virtual bool OnMove(int x, int y)

Handles window move events.

inline virtual bool OnSize(UINT nFlag, int cx, int cy)

Handles window size events.

inline virtual bool OnEraseBkgnd(HDC hDC)

Handles window erase background events.

inline virtual bool OnPaint(HDC hDC)

Handles window paint events.

inline virtual bool OnWindowPosChanging(LPWINDOWPOS lpWindowPos)

Handles window position changing events.

inline virtual bool OnWindowPosChanged(LPWINDOWPOS lpWindowPos)

Handles window position changed events.

inline virtual bool OnTimer(SEC_UINT nIDTimer)

Handles window timer events.