ILogCoordinates Class

class ILogCoordinates

This interface mapping of logical coordinates onto container (device) coordinates.

Defined in: LogCoordinates.h

Class Members

virtual CPoint GetLogOrigin() const

Retrieve the origin in logical units (i.e. scroll position)

virtual CSize GetLogSize() const

Returns the width and height of the component in logical units

virtual CPoint GetVirtualOrigin() const

Get the origin of the virtual coordinate space in logical units.

virtual CSize GetVirtualSize() const

Get the total virtual size in logical units

virtual int GetMapMode() const

Retrieve the mapping mode used for logical to device coordinate translation

virtual CSize GetExtents() const

Get the container extents. Note: Extents are not the same as size.

virtual CSize GetLogExtents() const

Get the logical extents. Note: Extents are not the same as size.

virtual YAxisDirection GetYAxisDirection() const

Gets the direction of the Y axis

virtual void LPtoCP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount) const

Convert logical units to container units

virtual void CPtoLP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount) const

Convert container units to logical units

virtual void LPtoDP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount) const

Convert logical units to device units

virtual void DPtoLP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount) const

Convert device units to logical units