ILogCoordinatesImpl Class

class ILogCoordinatesImpl: public ILogCoordinates

This class implements the ILogCoordinates interface. The ILogCoordinates interface provides a mapping of logical units onto container units.

Defined in: LogCoordinatesImpl.h

Class Members

ILogCoordinatesImpl() : ()

Default constructor for ILogCoordinatesImpl

int m_nMapMode

The mapping mode as defined by the device context

CPoint m_ptLogOrg

The logical origin of this visual part

struct Extents

The extents struct maps logical units to container units

struct Extents m_ext

The extents struct maps logical units to container units

virtual CPoint GetLogOrigin() const

Retrieve the origin in logical units (i.e. scroll position)

virtual CPoint SetLogOrigin(int x, int y)

Sets the logical origin of the contents of this visual part

CPoint OffsetLogOrigin(int xOff, int yOff)

Offsets the logical origin by the specified deltas

virtual CSize GetLogSize() const

Returns the width and height of the component in logical units.

CRect GetLogBounds() const

Returns the logical bounds as a rectangle

virtual CSize SetLogSize(int cx, int cy)

Sets the width and height of the component in logical units.

virtual CPoint GetVirtualOrigin() const

Returns the size of the virtual space shown by this logical part in logical units.

virtual void SetVirtualOrigin(int x, int y)

Sets the virtual origin of the logical part.

virtual CSize GetVirtualSize() const

Returns the size of the virtual space shown by this logical part in logical units.

virtual void SetVirtualSize(int cx, int cy)

Sets the virtual size of the logical part.

virtual int GetMapMode() const

Reports the current mapping mode

virtual int SetMapMode(int nMapMode)

Sets the mapping mode to be used by this visual part

virtual CSize GetExtents() const

Reports the extents of this visual part in container units.

virtual CSize SetExtents(int cx, int cy)

Sets the container extents of this visual part.

virtual CSize GetLogExtents() const

Reports the logical extents of this visual part.

virtual CSize SetLogExtents(int cx, int cy)

Sets the logical extents of this visual part

virtual BOOL ExtentsFixed() const

Indicates if extents can be modified or not.

virtual YAxisDirection GetYAxisDirection() const

Determines the direction of the Y axis.

virtual void LPtoCP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount = 1) const

Convert logical units to container units

virtual void CPtoLP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount = 1) const

Convert container units to logical units

virtual void LPtoDP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount) const

Convert logical units to device units

virtual void DPtoLP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount) const

Convert device units to logical units