MvcBufferedWrapper_T Class

class MvcBufferedWrapper_T

The MvcBufferedWrapper_T class wraps a viewport and provides off-screen, flicker free rendering.

Defined in: MvcBufferedWrapper.h

Class Template Arguments


The class of the viewport to derive from.

Class Members



virtual ~MvcBufferedWrapper_T()


BOOL m_bEnableBuffering

Turn screen buffering on or off

CDC* m_pBufferDC

Memory DC for offscreen buffer

CBitmap* m_pBufferBmp

Bitmap that is selected into offscreen DC

CPalette* m_pBufferPal

Palette used for offscreen buffer

HBITMAP m_hPrevBufferBmp

For restoring buffer DC

HPALETTE m_hPrevBufferPal

For restoring buffer DC

int m_nBufPadding

Extra width and height added to buffer to reduce reallocation.

CRect m_rcUpdate

Update rectangle.

void EnableBuffering(const BOOL bEnableBuffering)

Enable or disable use of the offscreen buffer.

virtual void DrawOffscreen()

Draws an area of the viewport to the offscreen buffer.

virtual void Refresh(CDC* pDC)

Transfers the entire offscreen buffer to a screen DC.

virtual void Refresh(CDC* pDC, const CRect &rcUpdate)

Transfers a rectangular area of the offscreen buffer to a screen DC.

void SetPalette(CPalette *pPal)

Set the palette to use for drawing to the offscreen buffer.

void SetBufferPadding(const int nBufPadding)

Set padding added to offscreen buffer to reduce reallocation when

virtual void Draw(CDC* pDC)

Draws the entire viewport to a device context.

virtual void OnInitialUpdate()

Initializes the viewport.

virtual void InvalidateRect(const CRect& rcLog, BOOL bErase = TRUE, BOOL bRepairNow = FALSE)

Invalidate the specified rectangle within the viewport.

virtual BOOL GetUpdateRect(LPRECT lpRect, BOOL bErase = FALSE)

Returns the current invalid region as a rectangle.

virtual CSize SetSize(int cx, int cy)

Set the width and height of the viewport in device units. Reallocates

BOOL CreateOffscreenBuffer()

Creates memory DC and bitmap for offscreen buffer.

BOOL NeedToResizeBuffer()

Compares the current buffer size to the viewport dimensions.

void DestroyOffscreenBuffer()

Deletes the bitmap and memory DC.

virtual void OnBufferedEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC, CRect rcFill)

Clears the offscreen buffer before rendering.