SECXMLDocAdapter_T Class

class SECXMLDocAdapter_T: public base, public CXMLSerializeImp

The SECXMLDocAdapter_T class template serves as a bridge between the MFC CDocument/CArchive based serialization architecture and the Stingray SECXMLArchive based XML Serialization Framework. To add the XML serialization capability to your document/view application, simply derive your document class from the SECXMLDocAdapter_T template passing in your document's existing base class as the template argument. By virtue of the SECXMLDocAdapter_T base, your document class inherits from the SFL IXMLSerialize interface and must provide an implementation for the IXMLSerialize::XMLSerialize() and IXMLSerialize::GetElementType() functions.

OnSECFileOpenXML, OnSECFileSaveXML, OnSECFileSaveXMLAs, XMLOpenDocument, and XMLSaveDocument

See Also SECXMLArchive and CXMLSerializeImp

Defined in: XMLDocAdapter.h

Class Template Arguments


Base class of the application's document. This is usually a CDocument or it's derivative.

Class Members

afx_msg void OnSECFileOpenXML()

Menu command handler for XML - File Open.

afx_msg void OnSECFileSaveXML()

Menu command handler for XML - File Save.

afx_msg void OnSECFileSaveXMLAs()

Menu command handler for XML - File Save As.

virtual BOOL XMLSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)

Saves the current document to the specified file.

virtual BOOL XMLOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)

Opens the specified file to initialize an existing document.