
Creates the BSP tree representing a rectangle of space. The tree will be empty. You must still add components to the tree to populate it with positional information. If you call this method when positional information is already stored in the tree, it will be wiped clean and a new tree created for the new space and node dimension threshold value passed in.

Defined in: OdBspTree.cpp


BOOL CODBspTree::Create(CRect rcSpace)

BOOL CODBspTree::Create(CRect rcSpace, int nThreshold)

BOOL CODBspTree::Create(CRect rcSpace, float fThresholdPct)

Return Value

TRUE if the tree was successfully created, FALSE if the creation failed.



The rectangle of space the tree will represent.


The node dimension threshold value for the tree. This effects how many levels deep the tree will be.


The node dimension threshold percentage for the tree. This effects how many levels deep the tree will be.

See Also

m_nThreshold, AddComponents