
void CODRuler::SetMeasurementScale(const CODMeasure& scaleFrom, const CODMeasure& scaleTo)

Sets a scaling factor for measurements.

Defined in: OdRuler.cpp

Return Value




Measurement on output device.


Measurement in logical space.


This function sets a scaling ratio for converting real-world measurements into logical units, and vice versa. The mapping mode and extents define how logical units are mapped to the screen, and the function GetLogicalUnitMeasure will return the size of one logical unit. This function allows the user to set a measurement scale that describes what each logical unit represents in their diagram. For example, the coordinate mapping (i.e. mapping mode and extents) dictates that 1 logical unit = 0.1 inch on the output device. I can then use this function to state that 0.1 inch on the output device represents 1 foot. If I then set my grid size to 1 foot by 1 foot it will be display as 1 inch by 1 inch.