Component Property Identifiers

These constants identify the properties contained by CODComponent objects. The CODComponent class implements the IODPropertyContainer interface, which provides methods for getting and setting property values. Properties are added to components using the CODComponent::AddProperty method.

Some properties, such as OD_PROP_LINE, are property containers which contain other properties. Other properties specify an atomic value. All components have the OD_PROP_EDIT property, which is a CODEditProperties object. Other properties vary depending on the type of component.

The range hex 0 to 0xFFFF is reserved for properties defined by Objective Views. Identifiers for custom properties should be greater than or equal to the value hex 0x10000, which is defined by the constant OD_CUSTOM_PROPERTY_BASE.


Defines the base offset for custom properties.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates whether the endpoints of a link component should remain anchored to the symbols they are connected to. If set to TRUE, the endpoints of the link are adjusted to stay with the connected symbols. If set to FALSE, the connected symbols are notified that the endpoints have moved.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates whether a text component should be automatically resized when text is added.


CODEditProperties property that contains boolean flags indicating the edit operations which are allowed for a component.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates whether labels in a given model can be selected and moved.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates whether a component is enabled or disabled.


CODFillProperties property that contains fill color and fill pattern values.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates whether a symbol follows the symbols it is connected to when they move.


CODFontProperties property that contains face name, point size, color, and other font information.


CODIntProperty property that indicates horizontal alignment for a text component. May contain the following values: DT_LEFT, DT_CENTER, DT_RIGHT.


CODLineProperties property that contains line width, line style, and line color values for a component.


CODLineOrientation property that describes the orientation of an object with respect to a line.


CODIntProperty property that indicates the minimum spacing required when routing lines to the left of a component.


CODIntProperty property that indicates the minimum spacing required when routing lines above a component.


CODIntProperty property that indicates the minimum spacing required when routing lines to the right of a component.


CODIntProperty property that indicates the minimum spacing required when routing lines below a component.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates if a link component should be automatically destroyed when it is no longer connected to any other symbols.


CODIntProperty property used to indicate a threshold value for the amount of detail that should be displayed. Used by the function CODRulerComponent::OnDraw to control the level of detail drawn by rulers.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates whether a text component is single line or multiple lines.


CODOrientationProperties property that indicates how a component or label is oriented with respect to the bounding rectangle of another component.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates if a label is oriented with respect to its owner or not.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates if a line component enforces 90 degree angles at each vertex.


CODIntProperty property that indicates if a ruler is vertical or horizontal. Possible values are odg_nHorizontalRuler and odg_nVerticalRuler.


CODStringProperty property that contains the text value for a component.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates if an image component is transparent or not.


CODDWordProperty property that contains the transparent color for an image component.


CODIntProperty property used to indicate a threshold value for the amount of detail that should be displayed. Used by the function CODRulerComponent::OnDraw to control the level of detail drawn by rulers.


CODIntProperty property that indicates vertical alignment for a text component. May contain the following values: DT_TOP, DT_VCENTER, DT_BOTTOM.


CODBoolProperty property that indicates if text should wrap at word breaks when the end of a line is reached.


CODIntProperty property that indicates the spacing required when a link attached to a component.