CODCanvasSizePage Class

class CODCanvasSizePage: public CODMeasurePropPage

This property page contains units of measure and the width and height of the canvas.

Defined in: OdMeasurePropSheet.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODCanvasSizePage(IODRuler* pIRuler = NULL)


VIEWS_API ~CODCanvasSizePage()


VIEWS_API void SetDefaults()

Initialize default values for the property page controls.

CComboBox m_cUnitOfMeasure

Unit of measure combo box object for DDX.

float m_fCanvasHeight

Canvas height variable for DDX.

float m_fCanvasWidth

Canvas width variable for DDX.


Data value for unit of measurement.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL OnInitDialog()

Called on dialog initialization.


Performs dialog data exchange.

VIEWS_API afx_msg void OnSelchangeUnitOfMeasure()

Called when new unit of measure is selected.