CODComponentDlg Class

class CODComponentDlg: public CDialog

A dialog showing a list of components. The properties may be shown for components, the viewport may be centered over selected components, or components may be deleted.

Defined in: OdComponentDlg.h

Class Members


Component list dialog resource ID.

CODComponentLB m_lbComponents

The list box showing the components.

CButton m_btnGoto

The "Go To" button.

CButton m_btnProperties

The "Properties..." button.

CButton m_btnDelete

The "Delete" button.


Do dialog data exchange.

CODModel* m_pModel

A pointer to the model the components are a part of.

CODViewport* m_pViewport

A pointer to the viewport (for the GoTo command).

CODComponentSet m_setComponents

The set of components to display in the list box.

VIEWS_API CODModel* GetModel()

Gets the model the components are a part of.

VIEWS_API void SetModel(CODModel* pModel)

Sets the model the components are a part of.

VIEWS_API CODViewport* GetViewport()

Gets the viewport (for the GoTo command).

VIEWS_API void SetViewport(CODViewport* pViewport)

Sets the viewport (for the GoTo command).

VIEWS_API CODComponentSet* GetComponents()

Gets a pointer to the set of components.

VIEWS_API void SetComponents(CODComponentSet* pCompSet)

Sets the components to be listed.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL OnInitDialog()

Initializes the dialog.

VIEWS_API afx_msg void OnProperties()

Shows the properties of a component.

VIEWS_API afx_msg void OnDelete()

Deletes a component.

VIEWS_API afx_msg void OnGoTo()

Centers the viewport on the component.

BOOL m_bInitialized

Flag set to non-zero after component is initialized.

VIEWS_API afx_msg void OnSizing(UINT nSide, LPRECT lpRect)

Handle WM_SIZE message.

VIEWS_API afx_msg void OnSizing(UINT nSide, LPRECT lpRect)

Handle WM_SIZING message.