CODComponentSetTracker Class

class CODComponentSetTracker: public CObject


Defined in: OdCompTracker.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODComponentSetTracker()


VIEWS_API virtual ~CODComponentSetTracker()


VIEWS_API void SetComponents(CODComponentSet* pCompSet)

Sets the set of tracked components.

VIEWS_API void SetDepComponents(CODComponentSet* pCompSet)

Sets the set of components dependant on tracked components.

VIEWS_API CRect GetAlignRect() const

Gets the alignment rectangle for the set of components.

VIEWS_API CPoint GetAnchorPoint() const

Gets the anchor point for the tracking.

VIEWS_API void SetAnchorPoint(OD_CONTROL_POINT ctlPoint)

Sets the anchor point for the tracking.

VIEWS_API void RemoveAll()

Removes all components from the set of tracked components.

VIEWS_API void TrackMovement(CDC* pDC, int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY)

Tracks a movement operation.

VIEWS_API void TrackRotation(CDC* pDC, int nAngle, CSize sizeAspectRatio = odg_sizeDefaultAspectRatio)

Tracks a rotation operation.

VIEWS_API void TrackScaling(CDC* pDC, float fScaleX, float fScaleY, OD_CONTROL_POINT nControlPoint)

Tracks a scaling operation.

VIEWS_API OD_MOVEVERTEX_RC TrackVertexMove(CDC* pDC, int nVertexIndex, int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY)

Tracks a vertex move operation.

VIEWS_API void DrawTracking(CDC* pDC)

Draws tracking to a DC.

VIEWS_API void EraseTracking(CDC* pDC)

Erases the old component tracking.

VIEWS_API CRect GetUpdateRect() const

Get the current update rectangle in logical units.

int m_nTrackingSize

The number of components being tracked.

CODComponentTracker* m_pArrTracking

Array of CODComponentTracker objects, one per component, which track individual components.

int m_nTrackingDepSize

The number of dependants being tracked.

CODComponentTracker* m_pArrTrackingDep

Array of CODComponentTracker objects, one per component, which track individual dependants of components.

CODComponentTrackerSet m_setTrackingUpdate

The entire set of components being tracked and updated.

CODRgn m_rgn

The combined regions of all tracked components.

CRect m_rcAlign

The alignment rectangle of the tracked components.


Scaling control point.

BOOL m_bSinglePort

TRUE if tracking a single port

VIEWS_API void PutSymbolsInMap(CODConnectionMap& mapNotified)

Puts symbols in notification map so they are not notified of connection moves.

VIEWS_API void GetSymbolsFromMap(CODConnectionMap& mapNotified)

Gets symbols from notification map.

VIEWS_API void AllocTrackingArray(const int nSize)

Allocates an array of CODComponentTracker objects for the primary components being tracked.

VIEWS_API void AllocTrackingDepArray(const int nSize)

Allocates an array of CODComponentTracker objects for dependants of the primary components being tracked.