CODConnectionMap Class

class CODConnectionMap: public CMapPtrToPtr

A connection map maintains a mapping between connections and ports. It is used during the notification process to ensure that circular relationships are not traversed more than once. An entry in the map indicates that the given connection has been notified. The key value in the map is a CODConnection pointer. The data value in the map is a CODPortComponent pointer. The pointer to the port indicates which port on the connection has been visited. If the port pointer is NULL, then both ports on the connection have been visited.

Defined in: OdConnection.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODConnectionMap()


VIEWS_API virtual ~CODConnectionMap()


VIEWS_API void AddEntry(CODConnection* pConnection, CODPortComponent* pPort)

Add a connection/port pair to the map.

VIEWS_API BOOL ContainsEntry(CODConnection* pConnection, CODPortComponent* pPort) const

Test to see if the connection/port pair exists in the map.

VIEWS_API void AddSymbols(CODComponentSet* pCompSet)

Add all connections in the given set of symbols to the map.

VIEWS_API void AddSymbol(CODSymbolComponent* pSymbol)

Add all connections in the given symbol to the map.

VIEWS_API void GetSymbols(CODComponentSet* pCompSet)

Retrieve all the symbols that have connection/port in the map.