CODCurveComponent Class

class CODCurveComponent: public CODPointComponent

Curve component.

The following properties are added to the component by this class:


Defined in: OdCurveComp.h

See Also

Component Property Identifiers

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODCurveComponent()


VIEWS_API CODCurveComponent(const CODCurveComponent& src)

Copy constructor.

VIEWS_API virtual ~CODCurveComponent()


VIEWS_API BOOL Create(CODPointArray* pPointArray)

Creates the Curve component from a set of control points

VIEWS_API BOOL Create(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)

Creates the Curve component from a set of control points

VIEWS_API CODCurveComponent& operator=(const CODCurveComponent& src)

Assignment operator: sets the component's attributes equal to that of the r-value component.

VIEWS_API virtual CODComponent* Dup() const

Creates a copy of this component.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL CanDeleteVertex()

Returns Non-zero if a vertex can be deleted from the component.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL CanInsertVertex()

Returns Non-zero if a vertex can be inserted into the component.

VIEWS_API virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC)

Draw the Curve.

VIEWS_API virtual CODRgn GetEdgeRgn()

Returns a region surrounding the edges of the component. In the case of a curve component, it is the same as the normal region.

VIEWS_API virtual void CalculateRgn(CODRgn* pRgn)

Calculate the region occupied by the component.

VIEWS_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serialize the Curve component.

VIEWS_API int GetNumSplines() const

Get the number of splines in the curve

VIEWS_API int CalcSplineCount(const int nPts)

Calculate the number of splines in a curve based on the number of points.