CODDiamondEndpoint Class

class CODDiamondEndpoint: public CODEndpoint

Diamond endpoint representation.

Defined in: OdDiamondEndpt.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODDiamondEndpoint()


VIEWS_API CODDiamondEndpoint(const CODDiamondEndpoint& src)

Copy constructor.

VIEWS_API virtual ~CODDiamondEndpoint()


VIEWS_API CODDiamondEndpoint& operator=(const CODDiamondEndpoint& src)

Assignment operator.

VIEWS_API virtual CODEndpoint* Dup() const

Create a duplicate copy of this object.

int m_nDiamondLength

Length of the diamond.

int m_nDiamondWidth

Width of the diamond.

VIEWS_API int GetDiamondLength() const

Gets the length of the diamond.

VIEWS_API void SetDiamondLength(const int nLength)

Sets the length of the diamond.

VIEWS_API int GetDiamondWidth() const

Gets the width of the diamond.

VIEWS_API void SetDiamondWidth(const int nWidth)

Sets the width of the diamond.

VIEWS_API virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC)

Draws the diamond endpoint.

VIEWS_API virtual void CalculateRgn(CODRgn* pRgn)

Calculate the region occupied by the endpoint.

VIEWS_API virtual void CalculateDiamond(LPPOINT lpPoints)

Calculates the polygon of the diamond.

VIEWS_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the endpoint.