CODDrawingScalePage Class

class CODDrawingScalePage: public CODMeasurePropPage

This property page contains drawing scale information. The drawing scale is defined by two measurements. The ratio of the two measurements is used to scale all measurements. The scale-from value represents a measurement on the output device and the scale-to value defines what that measurements on the output device represents.

Defined in: OdMeasurePropSheet.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODDrawingScalePage(IODRuler* pIRuler = NULL)


VIEWS_API ~CODDrawingScalePage()


VIEWS_API void SetDefaults()

Initialize default values for the property page controls.

float m_fScaleFrom

Scale from value for DDX.

CComboBox m_cScaleFromUnits

Units combo box for scale from.

float m_fScaleTo

Scale to value for DDX.

CComboBox m_cScaleToUnits

Units combo box for scale to.

OD_UNIT_OF_MEASURE m_scaleFromUnits

Defines a measurement on the output device.


Defines a logical representation for the scale from value.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL OnInitDialog()

Called on dialog initialization.


Performs dialog data exchange.