CODGlobal Class

class CODGlobal

Global methods for use by all classes. These are all static.

Defined in: OdGlobal.h

Class Members



VIEWS_API virtual ~CODGlobal()


VIEWS_API static BOOL m_bDebugDraw

Debug drawing mode flag; if enabled, the viewport draws the

VIEWS_API static BOOL GetDebugDraw()

Gets the debug drawing mode; if enabled, the viewport draws the

VIEWS_API static void SetDebugDraw(BOOL bDebugDraw)

Sets the debug drawing mode; if enabled, the viewport draws the

VIEWS_API static void DockControlBarLeftOf(CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd, CControlBar* pBar, CControlBar* pLeftOf)

Docks a control bar to the left of another control bar.

VIEWS_API static void ShowLastError(LPCTSTR lpszCaption)

Shows the last error message produced by resource access functions.

VIEWS_API static bool IsYAxisUp(const CDC& dc)

Determines if positive Y-Axis for the device context is up or down.

VIEWS_API static int Angle(const CPoint pt0, const CPoint pt1)

Calculates the angle between two points. The result is in tenths of a degree.

VIEWS_API static int PointDistance(const CPoint& pt0, const CPoint& pt1)

Calculates the distance between two points.

VIEWS_API static CPoint ClosestPointOnLine(const CPoint& pt0, const CPoint& pt1, const CPoint& ptFind)

Finds the point on a line that is closest to another point.

VIEWS_API static BOOL Intersect(POINT pt0, POINT pt1, POINT pt2, POINT pt3)

Determines if two lines intersect.

VIEWS_API static BOOL IntersectionPt(POINT pt0, POINT pt1, POINT pt2, POINT pt3, LPPOINT lpptIntersection)

Determines if two lines intersect, and if so, the intersection point.

VIEWS_API static int CCW(POINT pt0, POINT pt1, POINT pt2)

Determines if moving between three points you are travelling in a counter clockwise direction.

VIEWS_API static CSize CalcOrthogonalDirection(const CPoint& ptEndPt, const CRect& rcBounds)

Calculates the direction of a point relative to the center of a rectangle.

VIEWS_API static int Round(float fRound)

Rounds a floating point number to an integer.

VIEWS_API static BOOL PtInRect(CPoint point, CRect rect)

Determines if a point is within a rectangle.

VIEWS_API static BOOL RectIntersect(CRect rect1, CRect rect2)

Determines if two rectangles intersect.

VIEWS_API static BOOL RectWithin(CRect rcSmall, CRect rcLarge)

Determines if one rectangle is inside another.

VIEWS_API static void NormalizeRect(CRect& rect)

Normalizes CRect so that both the height and width are positive.

VIEWS_API static CRect UnionRect(CRect rect1, CRect rect2)

Combines two rectangles into one.

VIEWS_API static CRect MakeBoundingRect(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)

Creates a rectangle which includes the points passed in.

VIEWS_API static void GetControlPoint(const CRect& rcBounds, OD_CONTROL_POINT nControlPoint, float& fControlX, float& fControlY)

Get one of the rectangles's 9 standard control points.

VIEWS_API static CPoint GetControlPoint(const CRect& rcBounds, OD_CONTROL_POINT nControlPoint)

Get one of the rectangles's 9 standard control points.

VIEWS_API static int PointsToLogical(const int nPoints, CDC* pDC = NULL, BOOL bVertical = TRUE)

Converts a point size to a logical size.

VIEWS_API static int LogicalToPoints(const int nLog, CDC* pDC = NULL, BOOL bVertical = TRUE)

Converts a logical size to a point size.

VIEWS_API static OD_CONTROL_POINT GetInverseScalingPoint(float fScaleX, float fScaleY, OD_CONTROL_POINT nControl)

Takes a set of scaling information and calculates what control point to use in order to inverse that scaling.

VIEWS_API static const double doPointDistance(const CPoint& pt1, const CPoint& pt2)

Calculates the distance between two points.