CODGridDlg Class

class CODGridDlg: public CDialog

Grid settings dialog.

Defined in: OdGridDlg.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODGridDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL)

Standard constructor.


Grid settings dialog resource ID.

BOOL m_bGridVisible

Non-zero if the grid is visible.

BOOL m_bSnapToGrid

Non-zero if snap to grid is on.

BOOL m_bAngleSnap

Non-zero if angle snap is on.

float m_fGridSpacingX

The horizontal grid spacing.

float m_fGridSpacingY

The vertical grid spacing.

sfl::SECWellButton m_btnGridColor

The grid color well button.


Unit of measurement for the grid.

CODMeasure m_minSpacing

Minimum spacing value.

CODMeasure m_maxSpacing

Maximum spacing value.

VIEWS_API void SetUnitOfMeasure(const OD_UNIT_OF_MEASURE units)

Sets the unit of measure for the grid.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetGridVisible() const

Returns TRUE if the grid is visible.

VIEWS_API void SetGridVisible(const BOOL bGridVisible)

Shows or hides the grid.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetSnapToGrid() const

Returns non-zero if snap to grid is on.

VIEWS_API void SetSnapToGrid(const BOOL bSnapToGrid)

Turns on or off snap to grid.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetAngleSnap() const

Returns non-zero if angle snap is on.

VIEWS_API void SetAngleSnap(const BOOL bAngleSnap)

Turns on or off angle snap.

VIEWS_API float GetHorizontalGridSpacing() const

Returns the horizontal grid spacing, in inches.

VIEWS_API void SetHorizontalGridSpacing(const float fGridSpacingX)

Sets the horizontal grid spacing.

VIEWS_API float GetVerticalGridSpacing() const

Returns the vertical grid spacing, in inches.

VIEWS_API void SetVerticalGridSpacing(const float fGridSpacingY)

Sets the vertical grid spacing.

VIEWS_API COLORREF GetGridColor() const

Returns the grid color.

VIEWS_API void SetGridColor(const COLORREF crColor)

Sets the grid color.

VIEWS_API void SetMinSpacing(const CODMeasure& minSpacing)

Set the minimum grid spacing value.

VIEWS_API void SetMaxSpacing(const CODMeasure& maxSpacing)

Set the maximum grid spacing value.