CODLabelComponent Class

class CODLabelComponent: public CODTextComponent

A label is a type of text component that is attached to a symbol. The symbol the label is attached to is referred to as the label owner. Labels can be positioned relative to a given point on the owner symbol or they can be free-floating. Orientation properties describe how the label is positioned with respect to the owner symbol. If the label is free- floating, then orientation is disabled.

The following properties are added to the component by this class:


Defined in: OdLabelComp.h

See Also

Component Property Identifiers

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODLabelComponent()


VIEWS_API CODLabelComponent(CODSymbolComponent* pOwner)


VIEWS_API CODLabelComponent(const OD_CONTROL_POINT ctlPoint)


VIEWS_API CODLabelComponent(const CODLabelComponent& src)

Copy constructor.

VIEWS_API virtual ~CODLabelComponent()



Creates the label component.

VIEWS_API CODLabelComponent& operator=(const CODLabelComponent& src)

Assignment operator.

VIEWS_API virtual CODComponent* Dup() const

Create a duplicate copy of this object.

CODSymbolComponent* m_pOwner

A pointer to the symbol which owns this label.

VIEWS_API CODSymbolComponent* GetOwner()

Get pointer to symbol that owns this port.

VIEWS_API void SetOwner(CODSymbolComponent* pOwner)

Set pointer to symbol that owns this port.

VIEWS_API CODOrientationProperties* GetOrientation()

Get orientation of the label with respect to its parent.

VIEWS_API void SetOrientation(CODOrientationProperties& pProperty)

Set orientation of the label with respect to its parent.

VIEWS_API void SetOrientation(const OD_CONTROL_POINT ctlPoint)

Set orientation of the label with respect to its parent.

VIEWS_API void SetOrientationFlag(const BOOL bFlag)

Sets flag indicating if orientation is enabled.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetOrientationFlag() const

Gets flag indicating if orientation is enabled.

VIEWS_API virtual void UpdatePosition()

Updates the position of the label based on orientation.

VIEWS_API virtual void OffsetLabel(const int nOffsetX, const int nOffsetY)

Moves label offsets relative to the control point.

VIEWS_API virtual void SetProperty(CODProperty* pProperty)

Set the specified property.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL ChangeProperty(CODProperty* pProperty, DWORD dwChangeFlags = OD_CHANGE_ALL)

Change the specified property.

VIEWS_API virtual void OnAdd(CODComponent* pParent)

Called by the framework when the component is added to a parent.

VIEWS_API virtual void OnRemove(CODComponent* pParent)

Called by the framework when the component is removed from its parent.

VIEWS_API virtual void OnMove()

Called by the framework when the component changes position.

VIEWS_API virtual CODRgn UpdateRgn(const BOOL bNotifyParents = FALSE)

Update the region data and bounding rectangle based on current points, transforms, or any other criteria.

VIEWS_API virtual const CODRgn& DoRgnUpdate()

Performs the work of updating the region of the component and its children.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL GroupCompatible(CODComponentSet* pCompSet) const

Test to determine if this component can be included in the given group.

VIEWS_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the label component.