CODPageSettings Class

class CODPageSettings: public CObject

The page settings keep track of the current page settings for a diagram.

Defined in: OdPageSettings.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODPageSettings()


VIEWS_API CODPageSettings(const CODPageSettings& src)

Copy constructor.

VIEWS_API virtual ~CODPageSettings()


VIEWS_API CODPageSettings& operator=(const CODPageSettings& src)

Copies another page settings object.

VIEWS_API void SetDefaults()

Initialize page settings to match default printer.

VIEWS_API void SetPaperOrientation(short dmNewOrientation)

Set the printer's paper orientation.

VIEWS_API void SetPaperSize(short dmNewSize)

Set the printer's paper size.

VIEWS_API void SetMargins(const CRect& rcMargin)

Sets the margins.

VIEWS_API DWORD SetUnitMeasure(const DWORD dwUnitMeasure)

Sets the unit of measure used by the page settings.

VIEWS_API DWORD GetUnitMeasure() const

Gets the unit of measure used by the page settings.

VIEWS_API void GetPaperSize(POINT& ptPaperSize)

Gets the paper size.

VIEWS_API void GetPaperSize(int& nPaperWidth, int& nPaperHeight)

Gets the paper size.

VIEWS_API void GetMargins(CRect& rcMargin)

Gets the margins.

VIEWS_API void GetMinMargins(CRect& rcMinMargin)

Gets the minimum value for the margins.

VIEWS_API void GetAppPrinter(CWinApp* pApp)

Get current printer information in CWinApp object.

VIEWS_API void SetAppPrinter(CWinApp* pApp)

Set current printer information in CWinApp object.

VIEWS_API void ChangePrinter(HGLOBAL hDevNames)

Change printer settings to match the given DEVNAMES structure.

VIEWS_API BOOL PrinterExists() const

Test to see if the selected printer exists.

VIEWS_API BOOL ValidatePrinter()

Check for valid printer and correct printer settings if necessary.

VIEWS_API void GetPageSetupDlg(PAGESETUPDLG& pageSetupDlg)

Get page setup information.

VIEWS_API void SetPageSetupDlg(const PAGESETUPDLG& pageSetupDlg)

Put page setup information.

VIEWS_API void GetPrintDlg(PRINTDLG& printDlg)

Gets the print dialog information.

VIEWS_API void GetPrintInfo(CPrintInfo* pInfo)

Gets the printing information.


Create a device context using the page and device settings.

VIEWS_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the page settings.


Return a copy of the DEVNAMES structure.

VIEWS_API void SetDevNames(HGLOBAL hSrcDevNames)

Copy the DEVNAMES structure into the page settings.


Return a copy of the DEVMODE structure.

VIEWS_API void SetDevMode(HGLOBAL hSrcDevMode)

Copy the DEVMODE structure into the page settings.


Information for the page setup dialog.