CODPropertyCache Class

class CODPropertyCache

A description of the CODPropertyCache class.

Defined in: OdPropertyCache.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODPropertyCache()


VIEWS_API virtual ~CODPropertyCache()


VIEWS_API static CODPropertyCache* m_psPropertyCache

A pointer to the one instance of the property cache.

CList<CODPropPtr,CODPropPtr> m_listProperties

The list of properties in the property cache.

BOOL m_bUniqueProperty

The unique flag

VIEWS_API static CODPropertyCache* Instance()

Returns a pointer to the one instance of the property cache.

VIEWS_API void SetInstance(CODPropertyCache* pPropertyCache)

Sets the instance pointer.

VIEWS_API void SetUniqueProperty(BOOL bUnique)

Sets the proerties to be unique

VIEWS_API void Purge()

Clears the properties from the cache that are not being used anymore.

VIEWS_API CODPropPtr FindProperty(CODProperty* pProp)

Finds a particular property in the cache. If it is not found, it is added to the cache.