CODPropertyCommand Class

class CODPropertyCommand: public CODCommand

Changes a property for a set of components.

Defined in: OdPropertyCmd.h

Class Members

VIEWS_API CODPropertyCommand(CODModel* pModel)


VIEWS_API virtual ~CODPropertyCommand()


CODProperty* m_pProperty

The property to be changed.

DWORD m_dwChangeFlags

Change flags determining which aspects of the property will be changed.

CMap<CODComponent*,CODComponent*,CODPropPtr,CODPropPtr> m_mapOldProperties

Maps components to their old properties.

VIEWS_API CODProperty* GetProperty() const

Gets the property the command is changing.

VIEWS_API void SetProperty(CODProperty* pProperty)

Sets the property the command is changing.

VIEWS_API DWORD GetChangeFlags() const

Gets the property change flags.

VIEWS_API void SetChangeFlags(DWORD dwChangeFlags)

Sets the property change flags.

VIEWS_API void ClearOldProperties()

Clears the list of old properties.

VIEWS_API BOOL GetOldProperty(CODComponent* pComp, CODPropPtr& pProp) const

Gets an old property given a component.

VIEWS_API void SetOldProperty(CODComponent* pComp, CODPropPtr pProp)

Sets an old property given a component.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL Execute()

Changes the property of the components.

VIEWS_API virtual BOOL Unexecute()

Restores the old properties of the changed components.

VIEWS_API virtual sfl::MvcCommand* Dup() const

Make a copy of this property command.

VIEWS_API virtual void Sprint(CString& strCmd)

Print information on this command for logging purposes.

VIEWS_API void SaveProperties(CODComponent* pComp)

Recursively stores the current properties.

VIEWS_API void RestoreProperties(CODComponent* pComp)

Recursively restores the saved properties.