CODTransform Class

class CODTransform: public CObject

Two dimensional transformaion matrix. This is used to transform the vertices of components when moved, rotated or scaled.

Defined in: OdTransform.h

Coordinates (x,y) can be transformed using this matrix formula:

| x'| = | a b | * | x | + | c |
| y'|   | d e |   | y |   | f |

Or, by forming one transformation matrix:

| x'|   | a b c |   | x |
| y'| = | d e f | * | y |
| 1 |   | 0 0 1 |   | 1 | <- we don't have a third dimension!

The middle matrix is what a CODTransform represents. Points in space are transformed by multiplying the matrix by the vector [point.x, point.y, 1]

See Also


Class Members

VIEWS_API CODTransform()


VIEWS_API CODTransform(const CODTransform& xform)

Copy constructor.

ODMatrix3x2 m_matrix

The float array that contains the matrix data.

VIEWS_API void Identity()

Sets this matrix to the identity matrix.


Returns TRUE if this is an identity matirx.

VIEWS_API float GetElement(const int x, const int y) const

Constant method to retrieve a single element of the martix.

VIEWS_API float& GetElementRef(const int x, const int y)

Method to retrieve a reference to an element of the martix.

VIEWS_API void Translate(int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY)

Translates the matrix by horizontal and vertical offsets.

VIEWS_API void Translate(float fOffsetX, float fOffsetY)

Translates the matrix by horizontal and vertical offsets.

VIEWS_API void SetTranslation(const int nDistX, const int nDistY)

Sets the current translation from the origin.

VIEWS_API void GetTranslation(int& nDistX, int& nDistY)

Gets the current translation from the origin.

VIEWS_API BOOL IsTranslated()

Returns TRUE if the matrix has been translated from the origin.

VIEWS_API void Rotate(int nAngle)

Rotates the transform.

VIEWS_API void Rotate(int nAngle, float fOriginX, float fOriginY, CSize sizeAspectRatio = odg_sizeDefaultAspectRatio)

Rotates the transform, using the coordinates passed in as the origin.

VIEWS_API int GetRotation()

Gets the current rotation of the transform.


Returns TRUE if the transform rotated.

VIEWS_API void Scale(float fScaleX, float fScaleY)

Scales the transform.

VIEWS_API void Scale(float fScaleX, float fScaleY, float fOriginX, float fOriginY)

Scales the transform, using the coordinates passed in as the origin.

VIEWS_API void GetScaling(float& fScaleX, float& fScaleY)

Gets the current scaling factors of the transform.


Returns TRUE if the transform has been scaled.

VIEWS_API BOOL IsStretched()

Returns TRUE if the transform has been stretched out of proportion.

VIEWS_API operator XFORM()

Cast to an XFORM structure.

VIEWS_API ODVector2& operator[](const int x)

Returns the vector at the supplied x position.

VIEWS_API CODTransform& operator=(const CODTransform& xform)

Sets this transform equal to another transform.

VIEWS_API BOOL operator==(const CODTransform& xform) const

Tests for equality against another transform.

VIEWS_API BOOL operator!=(const CODTransform& xform) const

Tests for inequality against another transform.

VIEWS_API CODTransform operator+(const CODTransform& xform) const

Calculates the addition of another transform to this one.

VIEWS_API CODTransform operator-(const CODTransform& xform) const

Calculates the subtraction of another transform from this one.

VIEWS_API CODTransform operator*(const CODTransform& xform) const

Calculates the multiplication of another transform with this one.

VIEWS_API CODTransform& operator+=(const CODTransform& xform)

Adds the values of another transform to this one.

VIEWS_API CODTransform& operator-=(const CODTransform& xform)

Subtracts the values of another transform from this one.

VIEWS_API CODTransform& operator*=(const CODTransform& xform)

Multiplies another transformation matrix with this one.

VIEWS_API float Det()

Calculates the determinant of the transformation matrix.

VIEWS_API CPoint TransformPoint(CPoint point)

Transforms a CPoint.

VIEWS_API void TransformPoint(float& x, float& y)

Transforms floating point X and Y values.

VIEWS_API void TransformPoints(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)

Transforms an array of points.

VIEWS_API void TransformPoints(LPPOINT lpBefore, LPPOINT lpAfter, int nCount)

Transforms an array of points, placing the result in another array.

VIEWS_API CPoint InvTransformPoint(CPoint point)

Performs an inverse transform on a CODPoint.

VIEWS_API void InvTransformPoints(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount)

Performs an inverse transform on an array of points.

VIEWS_API void InvTransformPoints(LPPOINT lpBefore, LPPOINT lpAfter, int nCount)

Performs an inverse transform on an array of points, placing the result in another array.

VIEWS_API virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Serializes the line properties.